Low Pro-Dow
production and Animation

Art By Kelsey Dawidowski
Overall Vision
(*Original Vision. Oh boy! How much did this change...)
The main aim is to create comical animated scenes fit for an animated sitcom while working with a concept artist. These scenes would be aimed towards all ages, and with any luck, will progress into a full episode(s).
I chose this project to force myself into figuring out how I would put together an animated TV show in the future since I want to run an entertainment studio one day. My room-mate showed me their character designs for a potential animated sitcom. The sitcom sounded interesting and their designs were fun – I instantly felt drawn to making these characters come to life. After constantly having a back and forth with hypothetical ideas, we decided to make these ideas a reality.
The show itself is based around two twins who share an imaginary friend and their journey into starting high school. The cast consists of a wide variety of colourful characters with unique personalities. Within the show, both realistic and non-realistic situations will occur which certain characters will have to overcome. Sally and Oscar’s imaginary friend is called Harry. While they are together, Harry is a whole being. When apart Harry represents aspects of the opposite twin. Sally, being an outgoing and robust character means Harry encourages Oscar to be more bold and daring. On the flip-side, Oscar is reserved and creative leaving Harry trying to get Sally to act more calmly and thoughtfully. Although primarily focusing on Sally and Oscar, there is also a town of vibrant personalities they interact with.
Overall the show is to be comical and in some ways relatable – much like other shows such as Adventure Time, Close Enough, Gravity falls, Regular Show, Camp Camp, Steven universe, Invader Zim, and Rick and Morty. (Not all examples are tailored towards our wide target audience, however, carry the same themes.)
For this academic year, we are hoping to produce 3 scenes/skits which could be parts of future episodes and learn about the production process for an animated TV show.
After many fun weeks of devlopment, the project went from an all ages animation called "ImagineHarry" to an adult animation called "Low Pro-Dow". The weekly blogs explain futher how this happened, but long story short - this is the gist of what the project and show became:
Low-ProDow is a coming-of-age sitcom which focuses on three friends (Taylor, Douglas, and Stacey) who are transitioning into adulthood. They are aged between 18 and 21 and all attend the same college. The main character is Taylor, a non-binary 18-year-old who studies art and lives with their stepmother and two 12-year-old stepsiblings. Taylor has no clear direction in life, which only adds to the ever-growing pressure of becoming an adult. The show will follow Taylor growing and moving through the stages of teenager to young adult. Even though the show is framed as a comedy, the aim is to bring to light the raw reality of this transition. Low-ProDow will explore the themes of self-identity, mental health and most importantly the battle of expectations that young adults have thrusted upon them – either from society or themselves.
We decided to focus on creating a single scene which had all three main characters. This scene is a protype for what futher devlopment of this show could be.