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production and Animation 

wEEK nine


Voices, Voices, Voices! 

Having characters who talk can only mean one thing - we need voices! Now having the third draft of the script, I have created audion sections of the scripts and contacted several of my creatively inclined contacts. I've given a deadline of the 27th for audions to be handed in. 


auditions you say?


Due to the world having a mild case of a global pandemic, I created a way for people to audion digitally. With the audion scripts ready and people willing to audion, I decided the best way to go about this was via email. 

In the emails I sent out I included;​


  1. An Information Document

  2. Audition Scripts 

  3. Character Designs 


In the information document, I included: a background to the scene and characters, the deadlines, ways to get in contact with myself, and how to find out more about the project. 


Even if someone only showed interest in one character, I've decided to send them all three scripts. This is so each person has a chance to review the sections and decide for themselves if another role would be better for themselves. As well as this, it gives them the opportunity to audion for more than one role if they wish. 

I included the character designs so the auditionees can get a better feel for the characters. I really want to give everyone the best possible chance to give it there all!


Information Document


Audition Script


Audition Script


Audition Script

Next week?

Right now I don't particularly have a clear idea of what I'll be doing next week. My best idea is to probably put a full week into my university deadlines - mainly the written work. I have been a good student and doing it while I go as well. However, while I wait to get audions back, I might as well use the opportunity to give those hand-ins a little extra attention. 

Week Eight

Week eleven

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